Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chronicles of India- Chapter 3/ End of the year remeniscence...

So... IT'S THE END OF THE SEMESTER!! Finals are over for me, and summer has just begun!! It's crazy to think that I'll be in INDIA in under a month! 21 days to be exact! I can't believe where God has brought us with this mission team and this trip... here's a little update since the last post:

Our team had a 50% due date about a week ago- meaning, if everyone didn't have 50%, people and teams were going to get cut- and we made it! God was so good, and in one weekend He provided for each of us to get our 50% in.

Then we all applied to receive loans from the Student Missionary Union so that we could have all the funding in and just pay it back when we actually get money from our fundraisers.

So ya! we are all safe, officially going, and SO immensely excited! I got all of my shots, I almost have all of my malaria pills, and as I finished my finals today I was glad for the fact that I now, finally, have time to just focus on India!

Keep praying for us and for our preparation, spiritually, mentally and physically!

In other news... I'm HALFWAY done with college... SO crazy.

This has been one of the worst/most difficult/craziest/most rewarding/most amazing/most blessed years of my life so far. Honestly, it's hard to say what I feel about it... at times it's been hard to hold myself together, at times it has been difficult to just function as myself due to my attention and energy being split in many different directions. It's been a year full of mourning new and different things, and of learning about just how dark some places in this world can be... and yet, there have been times where I have laughed harder than ever before, times that I have felt so close to and so much love for the community around me, times where I just wish things could remain like this forever...

This year had so much packed into it that it's really hard to believe it was only a year. I'm going to turn twenty this summer... I'm an upper classmen in college now... My brother is getting married in a week... my life is changing, and I pray to God that that turns out to be an amazing, rewarding, and good thing.

It's been a long journey of a year, but thank God for all I learned in it, and thank God that it's over... now 3 months until I face the next one!

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